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Sangati - MCGM Schools Students’ Feedback

Name: Riya Jaiswal- Std. VI
School: Tirandaj Village Hindi MCGM School
I am very fond of the Sangati programme, I like the stories. I have the Sangati workbook in which I love to write and read. We learnt the Lena Dena game and many songs. We don’t get to read the stories of Sangati anywhere else. Sangati influences and changes our way of thinking. It makes us think deeply before undertaking any task. We also get a chance to express our opinions. My self-confidence has increased and because of writing in the book, my handwriting has also improved. The activity about mothers and grandmothers was very good; it helps us to understand how situation of women has changed over the period. My mother also likes this book very much. I love the colouring activities and because we learn so much from Sangati I like it tremendously.

Name:Munnu Chandrik Ratidas - Std. VI
School: Eksar Tale Pakhadi Hindi MCGM School
I enjoyed reading ‘How Societies Developed’; I got a lot of information from this kit which I think will be useful for me. I enjoyed understanding how the earth came into existence and how life on earth evolved, how agriculture started, how women were also hunter gatherers and the first farmers, and how humans began settling. After that villages and then cities and then countries began to form, and society developed. Kings and emperors fought wars and expanded their empires. Trade routes formed and people were able to exchange goods and knowledge in different parts of the world. First, I used to think that caste and religion has been made by god, but from Sangati I got to know that people have created these divisions. Based on this, they discriminate against each other. This is wrong. If we want to bring about changes in our country and society, we will have to change the way we think. We should not discriminate based on gender. Now I help my mother and sister in household duties. When my sister has her exams I do not let her work in the house and I do all her chores. These are the good things we learn in Sangati and I also enjoy the games very much. I am very proud to be a student of Sangati: Dil pakde dimaag ka haath, aao chale hum Saath Saath.

Name:Karan Vasudev Soni- Std. VI
School: Akurli Road Hindi MCGM School
I like the Sangati programme very much. I have been studying it since Std V. I have learnt, understood, and observed a lot. I also learnt that God did not create different castes or religions. In the story ‘The Thakur’s Well’, and ‘The wall’ are very good stories and taught us a lot. We learnt about caste-based and religion based discrimination. I do not discriminate either at home or in school and if somebody else does I try to make them understand that it is wrong. In ‘So close, yet so far’ was about the inequality between rich and poor. I want to change this situation. I will dream like Sameer (the rich boy) and work hard like Kishore (the poor boy). I like to listen to Sangati stories, play games, sing the songs, We not only listen to the stories but discuss them and write our experinces and opinions in the workbook. For one of the activities in the workbook I interviewed my grandmother, my mother, and my sister and learnt about how women’s situation has been changing. I enjoyed this very much and they too enjoyed it. I want to study Sangati next year also.

Sangati - MCGM Schools Teachers Feedback

Name of Teacher:Yogendranath Shukl- Std. VI
School: Dadabhai Naoroji Nagar Hindi MCGM School
I have been teaching in BMC schools for 32 years. I am familiar with the Sangati programme for 30 years. Through Sangati knowledge is being imparted in a systematic and interesting way. The programme is important for strengthening the democratic foundation of our county. The Sangati programme inculcates in children, new thoughts, ideas, and an ability to brainstorm. It promotes the means to live in harmony with each other, to express one’s ideas freely and dialogue with people. It encourages them to contribute to the development of society. Sangati is a novel method of education and is related to the existing syllabus. It brings about new energy and interest in children. The tools that are used include games that impart knowledge to the children and also encourage them to learn more. ‘How Societies Developed’ and the related workbooks teach children about History, Geography and Science. ‘The Way We Live’ talks about family, society, democracy, children’s rights, and other important themes. Children are the future of the nation. They will be involved in developing our society and the country . Through Sangati there is a lot of churning of their thoughts and their ability to understand and take the nation forward is immense. Therefore, the contribution of Sangati programme is incomparable. This is my wish and hope for the programme. Through Sangati we will bring a new world and a new consciousness A new dawn in India We will drive away every sorrow This garden will be filled with flowers dancing in the wind India will be sweet smelling and will make a name for itself in the world.

Name of Teacher:Vaibhav Sambre- Std. V
School:Samatanagar Hindi MCGM School
Through this curriculum students understand themselves better, gain skills and develop their personalities. Topics such as the environmental sustainability are explained through easy methods; like by using everyday examples, stories, etc. and are thus understood by the students. All students participate in Sangati sessions with joy and enthusiasm. Through this curriculum, concrete changes are seen in the students’ thinking and behaviour. Students are able to express their thoughts and opinions with confidence in front of others. The programme is very useful for all-round development of students. In this curriculum visual aids are used very effectively helping children to focus their attention. As the Sangati curriculum is compatible with the Environment Studies curriculum of the school, students are able to easily absorb the concepts.

Name of Teacher:Sangeeta Vijay Patil- Std. VI
School:Dindoshi Vasahat Marathi MCGM School
The Avehi Abacus Sangati programme is being conducted in every school for 33 years. Through songs, stories, etc., this programme teaches students about the environment and about the world around them. In addition to the school syllabus, students are taught about society, how to lead their own lives, and what values to follow. The work inculcates enthusiasm and interest among the students. Sangati encourages creativity and makes the students think for themselves. The children are able to make connections within their neighbourhood and within their environment. The role being played by Sangati in encouraging the intellectual development of the children is paramount.

Sangati - Ashram Schools Students’ Feedback

Name:Rutika Rajendra Jadhav- Std. VII
School: Chimbipada Ashram School
We were taught the Kit ‘The Way We Live’. I really enjoyed ‘Maya’s story’ - I strongly felt that she should study a lot, because then her younger sister will also follow in her footsteps. I also have a younger brother. I narrated Maya’s Story to him as well and he really loved it. My family does not discriminate based on gender. My brother also helps in household chores according to his age. The story ‘Where there is a wheel . . .’ about women and girls having more freedom after they got cycles; is just like our life, we also cycle from our house to school and other places. I feel much more confident in sharing my views in with others because of Sangati. I really enjoy starting the sessions and love the Sangati slogan ‘Dil pakde dimaag ka haath, aao chalein hum saath saath’. (Thoughts and feelings go hand-in hand, together we will stride and learn.)

Name:Aarya Dinesh Raut- Std. VIII
School: Chimbipada Ashram School
I like Sangati a lot. We got a lot of knowledge about personal, social, environmental, and political changes that keep occurring. I found the part about personal changes very useful, through which I understood the physical and mental changes we undergo as we grow-up from children to young adults. We never got this information at home or through any other book. We understood the importance of menstrual hygiene. We also understood the how we need to respect our own body as well as others. I discussed all this with my mother also and she was very appreciative. Our ashram school is till Std. XII and I really want to continue studying Sangati till then!

Sangati - Ashram Schools Teachers’ Feedback

Name of Teacher:Shirish Panpatil Std. IX
School: Khadavali ashram School
The Sangati programme has been conducted in our school for many years. This year I got to conduct sessions for Standard VII. Sangati helps develop the abilities of self-study, communication skills, scientific mindset in children. Children’s writing skills, self-confidence, critical thinking abilities also improved because of Sangati. They have started asking more and more questions and are able to work much better in groups. They also actively used the information about cleanliness and hygiene provided to them through Sangati. Since the curriculum is complementary to regular curriculum, it helps the teachers in administering the regular curriculum as well. I think that Sangati should continue in schools in the future.

Name of Teacher:J.K. Thorat Std. VII
School:Gandulvad Ashram School
Sangati is making deep impact on everyday lives of children. Diverse topics like gender discrimination, caste discrimination, democracy and rights, rich-poor divide, etc. are discussed through stories, games, and activities, which keep the children engrossed and leave deep imprint on their minds. They are learning to value their families. They are learning to look beyond various kinds of differences. They are now much more aware of their rights as well as duties, about elections, democracy, labour rights, etc. Sangati is doing outstanding work in ensuring the growth and development of good human beings.

Name of Teacher:S.P. Lonari; Std. V and VI
School:Ambivali Ashram School
The Sangati curriculum helped in increasing awareness about the environment among children. They understood the importance of using the resources provided by our earth in a sustainable manner. Since the entire information is provided in a very interactive manner, children assimilated it much better and were very involved in all the discussions. They enjoyed all the sessions.

Saath Saath - MCGM Schools Students’ Feedback

Name:Tanya Ganesh Waghmare; Std: VIII
School: Abhyudya Nagar Marathi MCGM School
This year we studied the Saath Saath programme. We learnt about the changes that happen in adolescent boys and girls. Earlier, girls could never even think or talk about this subject. If we had any questions, there was nobody to ask. Nobody had talked to us about menstruation; we used to think that menstruation is a very disgusting and secretive thing. Even our mothers never talked about these matters to us. When there were advertisements of sanitary napkins on television, we would look the other way. In school we were taught a little bit about menstruation but this information was only given to girls. Therefore, we always thought that we should never talk about menstruation in the presence of boys. In Saath Saath sessions we have learnt that menstruation is a natural thing and this is not something to be secretive about and we should be able to talk about this openly. In this manner misinformation and superstition will not spread. At home I told my mother also that this is not something to be secretive about. I am very grateful to Saath Saath for clearing these misconceptions.

Name:Deepika Singh; Std. VIII
School: Prabhodhankar Thackaray
I am very fond of Saath Saath through this we are able to understand different aspects of gender discrimination. I have learnt about the impact of social media, its uses and its harmfulness, sexual harassment. I have learnt about cyber safety, the changes that happen in the body, menstruation, etc. ‘Maya’s Story’ has taught us that there should be no gender discrimination and that girls should not be married early. From this subject I understood who a strong person is. I solved the puzzle ‘Easy or Difficult’ in class. We have to understand the status of women in society and that men and women are equal before we spread this message in society. Therefore, I feel that Saath Saath is very important for students.

Saath Saath - MCGM Schools Teachers’ Feedback

Name of Teacher:Soni Dongre Std. VIII
School:Supari Tank English MCGM School
Gender is an important consideration in development. It is a way of looking at how social norms and power structures impact on the lives and opportunities available to different groups of men and women. The new topic Saath Saath addresses gender discrimination. It is very important to raise awareness about this as both girls and boys know the status of gender in our society. There are many topics which help students to know their rights and how to cope with problems, how to defend themselves in critical situations. This subject helps students to think in a logical manner because it deals with their practical life. The Sangati representative Archana Adhav teaches students such serious topics in a way that students don’t feel uncomfortable talking about them. It is important to teach such topics in school so that students nurture such values in their growing life.

Name of Teacher:Sheikh Nazneen Asif Std. VIII
School: Bharat Nagar New Urdu MCGM School
The Saath Saath programme is based on the problem of gender discrimination and is very important for students of std. VIII th . When students come to std. VIII th they are about 13 years old, when their teenage years start. There are many psychological changes in the children at this age. At this age they also are exposed to vices and temptations like alcohol, drugs therefore this programme is very useful to help and increase their awareness about various ills in society, and how they should protect themselves. These subjects are not present in any of the regular school curricula and therefore this shortcoming is deeply felt in the system. Through this programme children learnt a lot and through the children their parents also became aware of the various ills in society. The teacher also sincerely tried to understand all the concepts introduced in Saath Saath. Along with different examples and stories, the students understood the sessions well. This programme is very important for students and they have shown great interest and enthusiasm as they can use what they learn in their lives.

Manthan – Students’ Feedback

Name:Sonam Atmaram Kunhade
D.El.Ed. College: St John D’britto D.El.Ed. College, Vasai
During the year I learnt and understood a lot from Manthan. The four main areas of information were teachers, students, how we learn, and our education system. These four sections have been taught very beautifully. Using this information and methodology in the future will be very useful to impart education in the classroom. It also tells you as a teacher what role you have to play and how you should fulfil this role. In the sessions we learnt that every student is unique and we should perceive them accordingly. Understanding the emotional and mental state of the student is very important as it influences classroom behaviour. The programme taught us how to impact the all-round development of children and how to implement certain values in their everyday lives. We understood the role and importance of the teacher in each student’s development, that a classroom should be inclusive, and that a teacher should provide value-based guidance. The syllabus and textbook are explained through examples and stories to makes them easy to understand. Many concepts were clarified through activities and games. We also understood different methods of evaluation. The pedagogy is engaging and should be used by all teachers in the classes because it is a fun way to learn.

Case Study

Name: Pooja Kasle, Class 6
School: Ashokavan Marathi Municipal School Dahisar East
Community: Konkanipada Settlement Dahisar East
Overcoming anger Pooja Kasale participated actively in both online and offline Sangati classes, but it was observed that she often tended to be agressive and quarrelsome during discussions.

During the ongoing sessions in Kit 6, ‘Preparing for the Future’, the represenative conducted the activity ‘Seeing is believing’ (about acknowledging that there are diverse perspectives to look at an issue), after which everyone expressed their views. Students felts that we must be able to examine our ideas about ourselves, about how to relate with those who are different from us, how to respond to unexpected situations, as this helps in deciding what we want to do, and to have some clarity about our future. It can also help us resolve some of the problems we face. In this process we do need to have clarity about our point of view but it is also necessary to take into account other perspectives. After this ‘There is another way’ (a story about anger and dealing with it) was taken up. During the discussion after the story, questions came up about feelings, anger, how often one feels angry, understanding what makes us feel angry, how we respond in such situations. Many students said that Pooja often gets very angry. At this point Pooja was visibly upset and glared at everyone. The representative drew their attention to the worksheet about dealing with situations that made us angry. She also reminded them of 'Jimmedar Kaun?' in Kit 1 and the consequences of not dealing with anger and frustration.

After the class the representative tried to talk to Pooja in private, but Pooja was unresponsive. She remained absent from the next two online classes and did not respond to phone calls. When her friends tried to get her to attend classes she refused to join. After a week or two, she started attending online classes but would not participate. When the representative tried to make her open-up, she logged-out without saying anything but she continued to attend the following classes.

During the face-to-face session in the Basti, children discussed their worksheets; at this point Pooja shared her thoughts. She said at home she often fought with her siblings and neighbors, she admitted to her tendencies of being aggressive. According to her, it was because her siblings mislead her father about the cause of their quarrels, making her the scapegoat. She complained about her sister picking-up fights about minor issues, finally ending-up in physical altercations. This would usually end with Pooja protesting with a ‘hunger-strike’ and isolating herself. She also talked about her neighbour, an aunty who played loud music during their study-time, making it difficult to concentrate; Pooja would retort in same measure. The representative asked her if dealing with these situations diffrently would make her feel any better. She agreed that one has to confront the situations one feels angry and disturbed about, analyse them and find ways to deal with them. Now at home, she does not react to each and every spark of discord with her siblings and only speaks when she must. She also admits to her mistakes. Her siblings’ behaviour has also changed, now that they have begun to understand things. Meanwhile, she has stopped playing loud music as a way of retorting to her neighbour’s loud music. The aunty next door was surprised and asked Pooja, to which she mischievously replied; "since your music is so loud, I don't need to play mine and can save on our expenses". Now the aunty has also changed. Pooja confided to the representative that listening to ‘Pranjol's story’, remembering what happened with Rahul, the discussions in the class and filling in the worksheet helped her; she found these things very useful. Now she is back to being her active self and participates openly in sessions.

The inputs in the Sangati sessions help students to reflect about their situations, look closely at things around them, preparing them to face life.

Student Name: Shahina Arif Sheikh
Community: Bharat Nagar Bandra East Mumbai
Sangati with me

While searching for children to start the Sangati sessions at the community level during COVID-19 pandemic disruptions, we met Shahina, an alumnus of one of the school we work with. When in school she was a keen student, talented and was always interested in Sangati.
Taking the initiative, Shahina took the representative to children's homes, to meet the parents and helped establish contact. With her grandmother's permission she decided to gather the children in her own house for Sangati sessions; however, due to the large size of the family, space became a constraint. Shahina then approached four to five more families and got permission to conduct the sessions at these homes.
‌During the Sangati classes, she realized that she still remembers stories, activities, information, games, songs she had learnt earlier. She has now put this love for Sangati into action and teaches the students from 7.00 to 8.00 pm. She says that she was inspired to teach by ‘Maya’s story’.Shahina has also started teaching Urdu to her mother who could not get an education, and is now able to read a bit, as well as write her own name.
Shahina has a passion for learning and teaching and Sangati has inspired her to move forward and realize her dream.